Friday, January 26, 2007


In one week and three days I've officially lost 10 lbs! Again, I'm sure some of this was water weight, but nonetheless, it was weight. I've been really pretty good the last few days with eating well. On Sunday I ate whatever I wanted, and I have to say, it didn't feel so good. We had Wendy's for lunch and went to the Olive Garden for dinner. I got diarrhea after dinner (which hasn't happened at all since I started this change except for that night) and I also noticed I couldn't fit as much food in my stomach! That's a good thing.

We watched a movie that night and I had gotten a large Symphony chocolate bar at the store. It grossed me out eating it, I couldn't finish it. Couldn't finish a chocolate bar? This is really new for me! It was as if my body had already adjusted to my better eating styles, and was loving it!

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: I stayed at the same weight of 210. It was kinda frustrating to not see any advancements, but it also made me want to try harder. Alas, when I weighed myself this morning I was 207! It kinda teetered between 210- 204 but when I got of the scale, reset the dial, and pushed on it several times to make sure the red line ended at zero every time, then I weighed myself again, and a few times. Yep: 207.

That scale worries me...

But to think, just barely over a week ago I was 217 (!), and now, I'm getting so close to being under 200, I can't weight. Haha...wait.

I'm really thankful that I'm pushing myself so hard to do this again. So help me, I will never weight more than 210 again! And hopefully soon I can say 200, and then 180, and then 160 (unless it's because I'm preggers, but hopefully even then I won't get too far above 160).

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