Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Goals & Plans

Sitting here thinking tonite about my progress already I am really getting excited about my goals, and how attainable they now seem. So I've decided to write down a list of things I'm going to do/ be happy about when I reach my goal weight. I'm excited thinking about these, and if in the coming weeks I get discouraged, I can come back and read them and maybe get a little motivation from them.

  1. I'm going to buy a bikini. And actually wear it. In front of people. Even if I do have a little cellulite. I'll be proud of my figure because I worked so hard for it.
  2. I'm going to wear lingerie for my husband without shame. For the first time ever.
  3. I'm not going to be scared of going out in public and seeing someone I used to know before I gained all this weight. In fact, I'll probably look forward to it.
  4. I'm going to burn my "fat jeans".
  5. I'm going to feel 100% comfortable in shorts and tank tops again.
  6. I'm going to go jogging around my neighborhood, for all to see.
  7. I'm going to go to my doctor's office to get a check up... being about 50 lbs lighter than the last time she saw me. And I'll tell her just how healthy I am now.
  8. I'm going to get hit on again. Maybe not every day, but I will. It used to happen fairly often. I'll probably pretend like I don't like the attention... ;)
  9. I'm looking forward to not getting out of breath on a simple flight of stairs.
  10. I won't make my husband leave the room when I'm changing anymore.
  11. I'll feel much more comfortable with the thought of a surprise pregnancy, because I won't be scared of being nine months pregnant and almost three hundred pounds.
  12. I'm going to get a new driver's license. This time without my double chin and not lying about my weight. I'll never be ashamed to show a waiter my ID again.
  13. I'm going to pride myself on taking care of my body. I kinda already do...
  14. I'm going to love looking at the "fat" pictures of myself that I hate seeing now. Because instead of it being a reminder of where I am, it will be a reminder of how far I've come.
  15. I'll wear clothes that hug my curves, instead of clothes a size too big to try and hide them.
  16. I'm going to let my husband carry me to bed. Just once.
  17. I'm going to let, no encourage, my husband to put his hand on my tummy.
  18. I'm going to believe them, for the first time in my life, when people say "You're not fat."
  19. I won't be embarrassed of a few spider veins on my legs, or a little cellulite. They don't make you look fat, I've finally realized. Being fat makes you look fat.
  20. I'm going to open the bottom drawer to my dresser, and wear my favorite clothes again.
That felt good to write.

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